gelastropod's profile

Name Jayden Hoo
School NUS High School of Math and Science
Role member
Country Singapore
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Solved Problems
01knapsack 1402 1503 3nplus1
3nplus1II Unbalanced addition adjlist
adjmatrix ancestor area_noi arrayfind
arrayproblem atleasttripledate ballot bananasmoothie
basement beareatrabbit binarycoins boundlessboxes
boxes2 boxispull bracketex breakfast
brick buffet burgers buyingcandy
card carpark carrots catfight
catlunch ccs cht coincombinations
cokelesssugar collectmushrooms2 competition conlang
contestcalc countalp createnumber cuberoot
descsort diamond dijkstra doll_noi
eta evenorodd exam explosives
exponentiate fenwicktree fibo firstabc
fizzbuzz flamethrower floors foodchain
foreveralone fuel gcd gfriendmania
gift gotoschool greeting guanine
hamster1 helloworld identifyinggirlfriends ihate1111
ippt knightmoves lcs lengthsort
letters lightningrod lis lis_easy
ljubomora losingsleep lowelements lualectures
lunchbox lvm management manyjobs
mate maximum maximumtriangle milkweed
minimise minimum missingnumber modulochain
moneychanger network nis omnomnom
packaging paint pairsums parallelogramisation
park party_noi pascal payraise
penguingathering photo pigeonhole potatosalad
potatotree prefixsums prime psle
pushups replacingpavement reverseandmin rightangtri
rmaxq rotarylock sandd segmenttree
segmenttree2 segmenttreebeats simp simplebridges
slimes smurf sos specialgirlfriends
splithunny squidzofrenzic stepgame strikes
sumint summit swapsort swayingflowers
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verticallychallenged veryeasyproblem weddingcoins wires
xmas xuehuapiaopiao zanesgift zanesletters