beepbeepsheep's profile

Name Chua Wee Chong
School NUS High School of Math and Science
Role admin
Country Singapore
View Submissions
Solved Problems
01knapsack 0405 1609 1821
3nplus1 3nplus1II 4russians 4sum
7up GSS WA1 abc_apio23
acorns addition addition2 addk
addone adjlist adjmatrix aircon
airplane ancestor appeal applefarm
appletree arcwrecker2 area area_noi
arrayfind arrayproblem assembly atleasttripledate
atm attractions bacteria badpotato
ballgame ballot bananafarm bananasmoothie
bank basement baseplans_ex basketball
battleship beacon beareatrabbit bestplace
binarycoins binaryroads binaryspells binomial
bobek bombing2 bosses bosubaiko
boundedpermutation boundlessboxes boxes_hkicpc boxhaskey
boxispull bracketcoloring bracketex bracketflip
brackets bracketscore bracketsyndrome brick
bubblesort buffet burgers buygifts
cake3 candies candies_joi candyboxes
candymountain_ex candyshop car card
carpark carrots catfight catlunch
ccs cheerleaders chessislands chinese
choochoo cht clique clocktower
closingshop coinbag coincombinations coinjourney
coke cokelesssugar collectmushrooms collectmushrooms2
collectmushrooms3 collectmushrooms4 collectmushrooms5 collectmushrooms6
commando commonsubstring competition construct
container contestcalc conversations conversations_easy
convexhull countalp couples cowland
crypto cuberoot cudak cups
curtains deathray decayedbridges deforestation
deque descsort diamond dice
digits dijkstra dinowalk discharging
divisibility dna_ioi doll_noi dotjoin
doubleflip dquery drones ducknuggetconvention
dyingpolynomial eatcake eating eeducation
eelimination eescapism eevacuation election
employee entropy eta evenorodd
exam examinations explosion explosives
exponentiate exponentiate_ex feast fenwicktree
fibo findinggrass firelord fitnesscorner
fizzbuzz flamethrower flappyrabbit floors
flybot flyingsquirrel foodchain foreveralone
fortunetelling fractional_knapsack fractionalmultiset fractions
fraud frog3 frogs gcd
gecko general generosity gerrymandering
gerrymandering_ex gfriendmania gift globalwarming
globalwarming_ceoi gohcart goodprogrammer goodseq
goofyrooks goombatower gotoschool graphcraft
grassplant greeting grid guanine
guards guards_easy guards_ex gwynethandtree
gymbadges hamster1 happyarrays harddisk
hashcollision heatwv hedgehogcrimes_easy helloworld
helloworld2 hipercijevi historical history
hoofpaperscissor housevisit housing hungryrabbits2
illuminate inequality2 infinitezoo inheritance
inspections installingapps inversemax inversions
ippt iqtest iqtest3 izbori
jams joke jumping2 jumpontree
justright knightmoves koopatroopacave kthsubstring
ktupleflip labels ladybugs lampposts
lasers lboard lcm lcs
leave lengthsort letters letterstamper
lightningrod lineup lis lis_easy
ljll ljubomora llis localexpress
logs lol lps lratio
lualectures luarulers luckynumbers2 lunchbox
magicwand malcolm mamamintaplusa management
mandarins maximum maximumtriangle medianheap
medianontree medianstring merchant_o mergers
messages mice milkweed minimum
minstack missingnumber modsum moneychanger
mononono monsters mountains mrt
mugger neckties nemo network
network2 newjeans nihonese nis
nonboringsequences nou nprime numbers
numericalstrings obstacles obstacletree omnomnom
omnomnom2 openingshop optimalsubseq optmilk
orangecollector oranges2 oridance paint
pairsums palindromicfizzbuzz pandaeyes pandaski
parade park partitiongame party
party_noi pascal passwords payraise
peakfinding peddler penguinfood penguinmountain
photo picnic pigeonhole pigeons
pilot ping pipes pizzeria
placingrouters poi poklon police
ponteng potatosalad potatotree prefixgcd
prefixsums prime problematicjourney promotion
psle purplecandy pushups pythonindentation
rabbitbars rabbiteatrabbit race railway
rainbowroad rarsum razlika rblock
reading reciprocals redblacktree removalcosts
reopening repairs rightangtri rmaxq
rmq roadsideadverts roadtrip rookable
rootedlca rotarylock routers routine
royalguards rubies runway sailor
samelength sardines sawmills scalars
sealevel segmenttree segmenttree2 selfpermutation
semiconnected sequence_apio23 sherlockinversions shoes
showertheduck shuttlerun sightseeing sightseeing2
simcity simp simpletask singlefile
singleflip skyline smallprimes smurf
smurfpaths snack snakesnack2 snapknack
snowball snowcow socks solonim
sonya sort sortbooks speakers
special spellofweakness splithunny squidgame
squidzofrenzic stackweights stamps stepgame
sterilizing stickytape stones stonk
stories strikes subgraphs subsetmex
subtaskstitching sumint summarising2020 summit
supermarket supperbox supplies swapsort
swayingflowers swords telepathy telephone
timeexam topical tourist tourist_noi
tournament towerdefense towers train
train_ex trains transform trapezes
travel treecutting treepruning treepruning2
triangles troubles twomeals typicalstairs
typo uniquenumbers unitedcows universe
unmerge valves variety veryeasyproblem
vouchers wabbit wabbitosu wabot
wallabyhop watching weddingcoins whackamole
wires workload workoutplan xmas
xortree zooqueue